A Reiki treatment is safe and suitable for all. It is non-invasive; there is no pressure, massage or manipulation. It can be used beside any conventional medicines or treatments*, or other holistic therapies.
Reiki treatments are usually carried out on a therapy couch, or sitting in a chair. There is no need to undress – clients remain fully clothed. The session normally takes around 1 hour.
Some people may feel a tingling in their body, or on the area below the practitioner’s hands, others feel heat, or coolness; for some it is a colourful event. The only standard seeming to be that everyone feels a profound sense of relaxation.
Clients typically feel the benefits after just one treatment. But, long term imbalances sometime require more than one, or even a series of regular appointments, weekly or monthly, to calm the mind to where it reaches a level that the body can heal itself and maintain a feeling of wellbeing.
*Reiki is a complementary healing technique and is not a substitute for standard medical or veterinarian treatments. If you, or your pet, have any health concerns, please consult the appropriate professional.
“Julia's friendly manner immediately puts you at ease, and the Reiki treatments are amazing. I always leave feeling calm and relaxed.”
Nina, Nantwich
Moira, Nantwich
"I don't know how it works...but it does He was so calm, he was like a different cat"...
Comment made after a (normally very stressful) visit to the vet. Cat had received a 'distance' healing treatment prior to his visit.